MongoDB 🍃

Sep 26, 2023

# Warum MongoDB?

  • alles zusammen Speichern was zusammen gehört
  • ! bei großen Arrays (zum Beispiel Coupons) splitten
  • ist Dokumenten basiert
    • einfacher
    • performanter weil kein Join
    • Developer freundlich

# Sharding architecture

  • scale horizontal
  • scale in Nirvana

MongoDB at MediaMarktSaturn 26.09.2023🍃 2023-09-26 10.09.36.excalidraw

# Cluster creation

  • nodes in different regions
  • read-only nodes
  • Analytics nodes for Analytics Team
  • ! MongoDB mit Terraform aufsetzen
  • nothing is set in Stone
  • better search
  • Application needs Google-like experience

Common search Features

  • fuzzy search
  • highlighting
  • search facets
  • weighting scoring

# How devs build App search today?

  1. database
  2. Search engine

# What do we offer?

  • Full Text search
  • All in one place

# How to start

  1. Create search Index
  2. Test in Aggregation with search query

# Real time App examples

# Database triggers

  1. A document is changed
  2. The Trigger fires
  3. Data transfare

# Atlas charts

  • Fast to start

# Learnings Learnathon